Kick-off National Knowledge Network Systems Thinking for a Healthy Society


On Thursday morning, February 1st, the kick-off of the National Knowledge Network Systems Thinking for a Healthy Society took place at the Beurs van Berlage in Amsterdam. The aim of this kick-off meeting was to establish a shared mission and vision, and to brainstorm focal points that this network wants to address and the functions of this network. The meeting was facilitated by moderator Frans Huizenga and Dr. Wilma Waterlander. In total, there were 47 attendees at the kick-off.

Introduction and keynotes

After a welcome word from Wilma Waterlander and an introduction round led by Frans Huizenga, Eva van Velzen gave a brief introduction about the Dutch Heart Foundation and its role within the network. Following this, two keynote speeches were delivered. The first speech was given by Dr. Wanda de Kanter, focusing on the shift from individual to systemic treatment in complex health issues. Subsequently, Paul Dijkman delivered the second speech, discussing the guidelines for healthy urban planning.

Plenary session: What is our vision?

After the opening session, it was time to discuss the vision. Prior to the program, participants were given homework to read the vision and ambitions of the network and to think about what could be different/what is missing.

Break-out sessions

Based on the ongoing discussion in the plenary session, it was decided to discuss the following questions in the break-out groups: 

  1. What are the focal points for change that this network wants to initiate? / also compared to other networks?
  2. Why these points?
  3. And what is our role in them?
Five different tables were set up to discuss these three questions. After half an hour, leaders could switch tables to engage in conversation with a different group of people.

The kick-off concluded with a general session summarizing all points from the break-out sessions. Afterwards, all participants could enjoy a lunch together.